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Frequently Asked Questions

Who determines which reviews should be published?
Sifter uses search research and industry knowledge to select the most popular companies consumers want to know about. We aim to have a comprehensive library of reviews in Insurance, Accounting, Legal, Human resources, and many such categories so that readers can get a complete picture of industry leaders.
Does Sifter publish negative reviews?
Our writers are assigned tasks without the knowledge of who our partners are. They are directed to provide an unbiased review of the company based on what their research dictates.
Does Sifter fact-check reviews for accuracy?
Our articles are all fact-checked for accuracy. We believe in maintaining the highest level of editorial integrity.
How do I know your reviews are unbiased?
To ensure unbiased reporting, our writers are not informed about any business relationships we may have. Instead, we encourage them to thoroughly research and report on the details and pros and cons of various companies to benefit our readers.
Can I advertise on your website or become a partner?
Contact [email protected] for partnership and advertising opportunities.
I work for a company that is reviewed on your site, and I would like to update the information in the review. How do I do this?
To update information on existing content, please contact[email protected].
What happens if a fraudulent review is found?
We are committed to providing consumers and business owners with accurate information. If we discover factually incorrect information in a review, we will take the necessary steps to correct it as soon as we determine the correct data.
Does Sifter edit the content of reviews published?

The Sifter team may edit the content of reviews so that the content meets the editorial guidelines of the company.

Do you accept guest posts or sponsored content requests?
For sponsored content requests, contact [email protected].
Do you provide individual business consultations?
Currently, Sifter does not offer individual business consultations.
How do I get my software reviewed on your website?
Inquiries about the content should be directed to [email protected].